American Mariculture, Inc
- 9703 Stringfellow Road, St,. James City, FL 33956
- (239) 260-4720
Sun Shrimp are not only delicious, but they are also one of the best foods you can eat. We use no chemicals, no hormones, no preservatives, no medicines, no additives, no fillers, no antibiotics, or any other type of non-natural substance when growing or processing our shrimp.
Nearly all shrimp marketed in the US today has been exposed to many “treatments” in grow-out and processing. Use of antibiotics and chemical preservatives are common and widespread.
At Sun Shrimp, we do not use any of these treatments because our systems are designed so that we do not need to. Rediscover what a clean shrimp really tastes like.
Would you like to feature Sun Shrimp on your menu? Have a favorite restaurant or store that we should contact? Like to help us spread the word about our amazing shrimp? Would you like to share a great Sun Shrimp recipe or just send us a picture of your Sun Shrimp dish.
We would love to hear from you.